Overwhelmed? Get an Heavenly Eye Exam


This gallery contains 2 photos.

I know your eyes are set on the destination and you are not giving up until you get there! You may be similar to me in that once I set my mind to accomplish something, I have somewhat “tunnel vision” … Continue reading

The beginning of the end


Soon, I will say goodbye to the Application Engineering position I have been comfortable in for five years and say hello to a new career in real estate. Although the change brings about the unknown, I have a stirring inside of me like a deep seated knowing I am walking in steps planned for me long ago. I am looking forward to meeting new people, bringing new solutions to old challenges and most of all, helping people achieve their goals. If there is anything I love doing more than most, it’s is putting a smile on someone else’s face. I am going into this wide-eyed and aware that no rose is without thorns, but the opportunity to use the talents I have been given is beyond satisfying. Time to take hold of the horns and go where I’ve dreamed of for many years…entrepreneurship!

I am expecting to get my real estate license around April of this year (2017). My goal until then is to get the word out to everyone I know. I hope you guys will share this blog with anyone you know who may be looking to buy or sell in South Carolina for two reasons:

  1. I plan to share helpful tips on a ongoing basis that will help anyone interested in the real estate market, whether they use me or not
  2. To help me get the potential client pipeline full so I can hit the ground running once I am fully licensed

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If there are any specific real estate topics you would like me to research and report on, please comment below!

Thank you for all the support and love! xoxo